May 2021 Summary Statistics

I will present some summary statistics which can explain the trends that we observed during the month of May 2021. This complements similar reports from MarchAprilMay, JuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberand December 2020, and JanuaryFebruary, March, and April 2021.

Note - I am considering the extraordinary fatality datum from 27 May as an outlier, and as such I will be largely omitting it from this analysis. I will still use the new daily cases datum from that date.

Total Case Growth
Total cases on 
30 April: 411,405
Total cases on 31 May: 419,611
Total case increase: 8,206

Smallest daily case increase: 99 (24 May
Largest daily case increase: 576 (7 Ma

Average daily increase: 264.71

Total Fatality Growth
Total fatalities on 30 April: 6,892
Total fatalities on 31 May: 7,215 (includes 27 May datum of 157)
Total fatality increase: 323 (includes 27 May datum of 157)

Smallest daily fatality increase: 1 (
3 May)
Largest daily fatality increase: 16 (4 May

Average daily increase: 5.53

State-Level Shares for May 2021

Median share of regional cases for Maryland: 44%
Median share of regional fatalities for Maryland: 51%
Maryland share of DC metropolitan-area population: 42%

Median share of regional cases for DC: 12%
Median share of regional fatalities for DC: 16%
DC share of DC metropolitan-area population: 13%

Median share of regional cases for Virginia: 44%
Median share of regional fatalities for Virginia: 33%
Virginia share of DC metropolitan-area population: 45%

Population-adjusted statistics, per 1,000 of population (data as of 31 May)
MD cases: 78.440
MD fatalities: 1.566

DC cases: 69.755
DC fatalities: 1.614

VA cases: 72.958
VA fatalities: 0.934


  1. Still very interesting that VA suburbs have significantly lower fatalities per capita than MD suburbs and DC. Hopefully that will be investigated at some point by authorities or media.

    Your approach to handling the weekend reporting by DC (daily average) is quite reasonable. However, technically it is a simple daily average, not a moving average. A moving average would shift the days included to depict trends over time.

    1. I stand corrected. Between DC announcing (rather late) about their new reporting protocol, along with the extraordinary fatality datum, I have been forced to improvise as of late, to a certain extent.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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