
Showing posts from March, 2022

End of the Road

My work on this blog is ending as of today. It appears, for better or worse, that the public is moving on from COVID-19, and it doesn't make sense to continue computing statistics for an issue of increasingly marginal public concern. Perhaps it is fitting that this is all occurring in early March, which is almost two years to the date since this all began . My initial effort was to try to do something productive with the situation, particularly as many of us felt fairly helpless. I hope at least some of my analysis was useful to you. I will not be making any more updates, revisions, etc. I will keep all of the posts and data up in perpetuity, or at least as long as Google/Blogger keeps this blog up.

February 2022 Summary Statistics

I will present some summary statistics which can explain the trends that we observed during the month of February 2022. This complements similar reports from   previous months . The post-peak decline of Omicron continued throughout the month. As of late February, the DC area is under 1,000 reported daily cases. This is the first time the region has been at that level since early December 2021 . Note that the apparent "spike" of infections in mid-late February was driven by single datum for 16 February (10,554 cases), which itself was driven by an unusual datum for Maryland (9,839 cases). I presume this was  backlog, and you will note that the downward trend continued. Total Case Growth Total cases on  31 January: 919,425 Total  cases  on 28 February: 959,092 Total  case  increase: 39,667 Smallest daily case increase: 343 (28 February) Largest daily case increase: 10,554  (16 February) Average daily increase: 1,417 Total Fatality Growth Total fatalities on  31 January: 8,756 T